Customer Experience 2030
by Veronika Altenbach
Together with SAS, the world's leading analytics provider, we had the pleasure of holding our webinar on April 8, 2020 on the topic of «Customer Experience 2030 – Bring empathy to your customer interactions».
In a difficult time for many companies due to the lockdowns, we were able to bundle our competencies and strengths. With a study conducted by SAS, we showed our attendees how brands can emphasize online empathy – in spite of the «Paradox 2030», according to which customers on the one hand demand more and more relevance and personalization and on the other hand want to control the use of their data more closely.
The study «Experience 2030 – The Future of Customer Experience» is divided into five areas
- smart technologies
- immersive technologies
- digital trust
- loyalty in the digital age
- agility automation
and sheds light on the view of both the customer and the brand.
Manuel Tönz from SAS impressively showed us how data, technology and consumer behavior will influence the future of the customer experience.
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