From practice – for practice

It's been a few years since the last Terrific Tuesday by, with and for our customers.
An event focused on sharing real use cases, challenges, experiences and success stories from real companies.
We have heard from many sides that such insights and an exchange at eye level are very much in demand and again very much desired. That's why we decided to revive Terrific Tuesday as a platform for just that and, if possible, to let the whole range of our services come into play.
Then, it was not difficult to find contributors for the practical presentations, location, catering and the supporting program.

Concentrated load of content
Renewable energies and automated processes
In the first part, we got to know Pronovo and its important work better and learned interesting facts from the world of renewable energies. For example, what color and origin electricity can have and how that is detected. We were shown how many factors play an important role in the remuneration of production and purchase of this renewable energy from different sources. And finally, we got an exciting insight into how these factors and dependencies are taken into account in automated processes with Camunda and how the customer can «play around» with them independently.
Powerful personalization in marketing – at the push of a button
In the second part, we gained insight into the impressive variety of advertising materials that Helvetia Insurance has been creating for more than 1.3 million customers and around 4000 employees with brix:papilio W2P since 2009. And it can be personalized at the push of a button for 31 general agencies and 39 main agencies in 3 languages.
Insights were shared on how Helvetia has managed to reduce the manual effort for this high level of personalization through marketing automation, empowering employees at all locations with template support to independently produce individual advertisements, folding cards, roll-ups, business stationery, TV spots and more. This reduces the workload of the graphics department, giving it time to focus on the more demanding design assignments and to produce them to a high standard of quality.
Publications – en masse et à la minute
Transgourmet / Prodega, as the market leader in pick-up and delivery wholesale for gastro-professionals, produces several weekly publications for different target groups. In addition, catalogs, premium magazines and promotional flyers. Each of these publications contains different assortments, products and prices. Scheduled in an impressive annual plan, changes in these publications are possible up to the last minute before the final production. Be it products that are exchanged due to availability, the stock situation, special promotions, changing suppliers or the very dynamic prices. How does the small graphics team in marketing at Transgourmet solve the enormous challenge of designing over 6,000 pages a year and producing the pulbications in multiple languages on time since 2008? Surely because they are absolute professionals, with a cool head and automated delivery of the raw version of the publications. This Dynamic Database Publishing solution with Xactuell was impressively demonstrated to us in the third part.
Great animal content
In part four, we took a look behind the scenes at Zurich Zoo. How this content – mostly pictures, often created by volunteers – comes together at Zurich Zoo, is categorized and released and used in different ways. The Zurich Zoo communications team relies on and its very own, customized structure and keyword logic. The vision of where Zurich Zoo wants to go in the next few years and decades and the role that content will play in this is also very exciting.
Great animal entertainment and food
Best entertainment
In addition to enriching and entertaining conversations about different views and approaches, the animal contemporaries at Zurich Zoo also contributed to a good and cheerful mood and a varied program. Certainly unforgettable was the skill of Indi, the elephant cow, in throwing the stick and the musical accompaniment of the lectures by the elephants.
Well looked after and catered for
The location of our host Zurich Zoo in the Thailodge proved to be an excellent venue. The fantastic hospitality and catering provided by the Zurich Zoo catering team and the Klösterli restaurant – where we were able to end the day on a happy and enjoyable note – contributed very positively to the overall impression and success of the event.