New features of brix:anura / CELUM ContentLand
The CELUM portal integration brix:anura offers new user-friendly features.
Moreby Veronika Altenbach
Both wanted to replace their previous image database and opted for the CELUM DAM system and the web portal solution brix:anura. It was important to rely on a standard product that allows structured image galleries to be integrated as easily as possible into the existing homepage and metadata (e.g. for further links) to be displayed for the individual images.
brix:anura was modified for the canton of Basel so that metadata can also be displayed as hyperlinks as part of the detailed image information. Another speciality is the interface to the digital city map, so that images are displayed at the correct location.
At Zürich Tourism, image and video material are made publicly accessible with brix:anura. In addition, the CELUM Office and Creative Connect plug-ins are highly appreciated for their ability to access the DAM-System and insert images directly from PowerPoint or InDesign. In addition our Extension «AssetMarker» helps to identify certain assets (e.g. partner images, status, color space, key visual, etc.).
The CELUM portal integration brix:anura offers new user-friendly features.
MoreDisplay your asset relations in brix:anura, e.g. in the detail view.
Morebrix:anura impresses with the new Lightbox