Agile teamwork management with Celum Workrooms - News at brix - brix - Basel/Allschwil

CELUM Workrooms® – Agile Teamwork Management

by Veronika Altenbach

25. September 2019 1 minute

Simply create a Workroom® with one click, add collaborators and files, assign tasks and get started! All teamwork takes place in an agile, self-organizing and visual workspace. The result: virtually no overhead, transparency, effective teamwork, for all - visible and motivating progress.

All components of the CELUM platform can be easily connected to a Workroom®. After completion of the project, files can be saved locally or stored directly in CELUM DAM.

You can find out more about CELUM DAM on our website and on December 10 in our brix Breakfast Meetup «Manage your Workflow». Michael Sahlender, Chief Business Officer / Managing Director Germany at CELUM will show the new options in a guest post.