With the brix newsletter, you will regularly receive valuable news on how to get the most out of our DAM, BPM and publishing solutions. Learn everything you need to know about the latest features, updates and best practices to make your workflows even more efficient and successful.

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Event Recap DMEXCO

27. September 2024 2 minutes

That was DMEXCO 2024 – with brix, DAM United, CI HUB, Bynder and many more.

Brixanura für multi DAM

Seamless integration of assets into any website with any DAM

27. September 2024 2 minutes

Supply the right content to different target group websites, controlled and managed from a single data source, with brix:anura.

BOC Partnertreff 2024 2

BOC Strategic Partner Meeting 2024

25. September 2024 2 minutes

The BOC Group's Strategic Partner Meeting 2024, held in Vienna on September 12-13, 2024, brought together leading experts and partners in the fields of process management and enterprise architecture, as well as governance, risk and compliance (GRC).

Automatisierungspotenzial maximieren

Maximize automation potential: Simple methods for identifying suitable processes

09. September 2024 4 minutes

Looking to streamline your business processes? Not every process is suitable for automation. We'll show you how to easily identify the processes that are best suited for automation.

Best of Breed

Drive content marketing success with a best-of-breed approach

26. August 2024 4 minutes

Best-of-breed vs. best-of-suite: Which is the better fit for your content marketing needs? Let's delve into both approaches and discover why a specialized DAM, aligned with the best-of-breed philosophy, is the optimal solution for businesses.


Digital Asset Management (DAM) and Brand Asset Management (BAM) – Redundant in Combination?

25. July 2024 3 minutes

The question whether a brand asset management (BAM) system offers added value in addition to a digital asset management (DAM) system is justified and is being discussed in many companies. In this article, we would like to highlight the differences and present a cost-effective solution for those who already have a DAM system in place.

Faktoren die das Prozessmanagement beeinflussen

Which factors influence the design, execution and optimization of business processes?

18. July 2024 3 minutes

What sets successful companies apart? Beyond dedicated employees, efficient business processes are key. But what factors significantly influence these processes? Learn more in our new article.

Prozessmanagement 5 Saulen

The 5 pillars of process management

16. July 2024 3 minutes

Are your business processes up-to-date? Learn how to optimize your operations, boost efficiency, and drive business growth with the five pillars of process management.

Design Patterns vs Blueprints

Design Patterns vs. Blueprints in the BPMN Context

25. June 2024 2 minutes

Design patterns and blueprints are both useful tools in the BPMN context, but what are the differences?


Unified asset delivery to target group specific portals

21. June 2024 2 minutes

Through the consistent provision of brand and communication content in specific portals for various target groups, companies can successfully overcome the challenges of modern communication.

Teil vs Vollautomatisierung

Partial vs. full automation: finding the right path in process digitization

20. June 2024 2 minutes

Partial automation vs. full automation: which path is the right one for your company? Find out more in our blog post.

CELUM Summit 24

CELUM Summit 2024 – Event Review

17. June 2024 2 minutes

Networking, informative sessions and an exuberant anniversary party – CELUMsummit 24 offered everything for an unforgettable evening. Find out more in our event review.

Syndergien der Prozessautomatisierung

Human and Machine: The Synergy of Process Automation

13. June 2024 3 minutes

Understand process automation options, choose the best fit for your goals, and achieve the ideal mix of human and machine work.

DAM United

Press release: DAM United and brix – THE DAM experts in the DACH region with an extended range of services

28. May 2024 3 minutes

We are further strengthening our partnership with our German partner DAM United and bundling our expertise and resources in the area of Digital Asset Management (DAM).

IMG 9842

brix team weekend in Engelberg: A complete success despite the mixed weather!

27. May 2024 2 minutes

Our team weekend in Engelberg was full of exciting workshops, a fun scavenger hunt and breathtaking nature experiences. Despite the changeable weather, we had a lot of fun and were able to develop both personally and professionally.

Camunda Con24

Event Recap: Camunda Con 2024

17. May 2024 2 minutes

For the third time in a row, we visited CamundaCon in Berlin - and once again it was a complete success! We gained a lot of new insights and are already looking forward to the next edition in 2025 in Amsterdam. Would you like to learn more about CamundaCon 2024?


Global reach with automated metadata translation

13. May 2024 2 minutes

Optimise the management and distribution of digital media content in all languages with AI-powered auto-translation services.

Workflow Analytica

Event Recap: Premiere at Workflow Analytica 2024 in Berlin

09. May 2024 2 minutes

Read about our experience at Workflow Analytica 2024

Brix anura API fur Clariant

Clariant increases efficiency in media management with brix:anura API and Upload Request

06. May 2024 3 minutes

Find out how Clariant uses the brix:anura API to seamlessly integrate media content from a digital asset management (DAM) system into the brand portal and website and upload the latest product data sheets directly to the website via Upload Request.

Ausfuehrbares Prozessmodell

Executable process model: What is it and how do I create one?

03. May 2024 2 minutes

Find out how you can create an executable process model in seven steps and use it to optimize and automate your business processes to make them run efficiently, effectively and error-free.

Auto Tagging
Camunda Chapter

Recap: Camunda Chapter Basel April 2024

25. April 2024 1 minute

On April 16, 2024, experts at the second Camunda Chapter Basel Meetup shed light on typical BPMN modeling errors. Read more about the insights and solutions gained in our Event Recap.

3 Abstraktionsebenen der Prozessdokumentation

Three abstraction levels of process documentation

22. April 2024 3 minutes

More success through documented processes. Our blog post introduces the three abstraction levels of process documentation: strategic, operational and technical. Find out how they differ in depth and detail and how Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) optimizes your process modelling.

Design Patterns

Avoid Typical Errors in Process Models Through Design Patterns

15. April 2024 4 minutes

Learn how to break down and optimise complex processes into manageable elements using design patterns.

Wie Sie das ideale System finden

Process automation: How to find the ideal system

15. April 2024 2 minutes

Find out how to find the ideal automation system for your company – important selection criteria, from compatibility to flexibility.

Immer aktuelle Produktinfos mit DDP

Always up-to-date product information with dynamic database publishing

25. March 2024 3 minutes

Is your company overwhelmed by the constant updating of product data sheets, catalogs, price lists, etc.? Find out how Dynamic Database Publishing can help you to significantly increase efficiency and keep your data up to date in all publications.

Export Service Automatisierte und flexible Medienverteilung

«Export Service»: Automated and flexible media distribution

24. March 2024 1 minute

Find out how you can effectively improve the distribution of media content – automatically, in the right format and on time.

Wie Prozessmanagement die Servicequalitat in Unternehmen verbessert

How process management improves service quality in companies

18. March 2024 4 minutes

The key to success in today's business world is well-structured process management in order to increase service quality and stand out from the competition. Find out how efficient processes make the difference.

In welchen Unternehmensbereichen kommen DAM Systeme haufig zum Einsatz

In which areas of the company are DAM systems frequently used?

18. March 2024 4 minutes

Increasing data volumes and new customer demands require efficient content management. DAM systems support companies in various areas to increase productivity. Find out more!

Sharedien Release 3 19

Sharedien Release 3.19

12. February 2024 2 minutes

Optimize your day-to-day work with improved search functions and more efficient processes. Find out more about the benefits of Sharedien DAM 3.19!

Herausforderungen bei der Implementierung von einem W2 P System

Challenges in the implementation of web-to-print / web-to-publish software

05. February 2024 2 minutes

Discover effective strategies for overcoming challenges during the implementation of web-to-print / web-to-publish software within your organization.

Datenschutzgesetze Prozesse als Schlussel zur Einhaltung

Data protection laws: processes as the key to compliance

25. January 2024 2 minutes

Are you facing the challenge of adapting to the new Federal Data Protection Act as an SME? As of September 2023, new regulations have been in force that are particularly challenging for SMEs without their own legal department. However, there is support available: the collection of processes provided by HES-SO and brix IT Solution provide clear guidelines to ensure legal compliance and increase data protection awareness. Find out in our example how you can lead your company safely into the future. Take the first step towards compliance in an effective and easy way.

Strategischer Aufbau eines Business Case fur ein DAM System

Building a Strategic Business Case for Digital Asset Management System Implementation

23. January 2024 3 minutes

Learn how to build a compelling business case for acquiring a digital asset management (DAM) system. Discover the strategic need, financial implications and operational benefits. Discover the ways in which a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system can enhance productivity and propel your business towards success!

Camunda Champion Summit 2023

Camunda Champions Summit 2023

09. January 2024 1 minute

Discover the upcoming developments in process automation with Camunda! Learn more about the highlights of the first Camunda Champions Summit held on November 28, 2023.

Celum Release 23 12

CELUM Release 23.12

05. January 2024 2 minutes

CELUM presents the new release 23.12 with enhanced content management. Compound object status, placeholder assets and expanded content REST API including webhook support are the highlights.


The role of process digitization in the business environment

12. December 2023 2 minutes

Process digitization focuses on the optimization and automation of manual processes through the use of technology. In this blog post, we would like to take a closer look at various facets and the benefits of process digitization.

Leitfaden Auswahl DAM

The guide to selecting and implementing a DAM system for your business success!

08. December 2023 4 minutes

Discover in our blog post why digital asset management (DAM) systems are indispensable for companies that manage a variety of digital media. Find out how you can find the right DAM system and which criteria are decisive for selection and implementation.


Recap – 10th CELUM User Group Meeting

30. November 2023 2 minutes

The CELUM user group – meetings, talks & networking! Discover exciting insights into the use of CELUM & AI topics. Become part of our community! Here is the review of the 10th CUG meeting.

CI Hub Salesoutlook 700 x 300 px

CI Hub Sales Club Outlook 24 Event

27. November 2023 2 minutes

Discover the highlights of the CI HUB Sales Club Outlook 24 events!

W2 P Erfolg durch individuelle Druckerzeugnisse

Web to print (W2P): Success through customized print products

17. November 2023 3 minutes

Are you wondering how you can increase your company's success and work more efficiently with the help of a web to print solution? In this blog post, you will gain insights into the benefits of W2P and learn how you can efficiently design and personalize your print products with this innovative solution.

Die Macht der KI in einem DAM

The power of AI in a DAM

13. November 2023 2 minutes

The range of digital content, from images and videos to documents, is growing inexorably. But how do you manage the flood? Discover how you can significantly increase your productivity in managing your digital content by using artificial intelligence (AI).

Prozessvisualisierung Die optimale Softwarewahl

Process visualization – The optimal choice of software

16. October 2023 3 minutes

Discover two tools based on the international BPMN 2.0 standard that will help you visualize your work processes.

W2 P

CI/CD-compliant advertising material for franchisors with web-to-print

16. October 2023 2 minutes

Optimize your brand presence! Discover how your promotional materials can be consistently and efficiently adapted to regional needs with a web-to-print solution.


How do you recognize that your company needs a DAM system?

09. October 2023 2 minutes

Stay competitive by managing digital content efficiently. But how do you know if your organization needs a DAM system? Find out in this post what the five signs are.

Workflow Engine vs RPA

Workflow Engines vs. RPA – what is the difference?

29. September 2023 2 minutes

Increase your company's efficiency in a competitive environment! Learn how Workflow Engines and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can support you and find out which approach ideally fits your digitization strategy.

Terrific Tuesday 2023 So Me

From practice – for practice

14. September 2023 3 minutes

brix Terrific Tuesday on September 12, 2023 at Zurich Zoo.

Exciting talks about best practices and real life solutions.
Everything about automated processes and publications, powerful personalization in marketing, future-oriented media management and especially the people who work with it.
Plus great talks and a super location with delicious food and good animal entertainment.

Get a taste
PK Pass

Protect image and video assets: Media content tips

04. September 2023 2 minutes

Your creative works are invaluable, but how can you ensure that your images and videos aren't used illegally or distributed without your permission? In our post, we'll show you how to effectively protect your digital content – in the form of images or videos – while increasing the effectiveness of your content.

Digitalisierung von prozessen

Choosing the right modeling standard for process documentation

04. September 2023 2 minutes

Decisive for the success of process documentation is the choice of the appropriate modeling standard. In our latest article, you will learn how to select the optimal standard to efficiently document your processes.

Software Implementationspartner 700 x 300 px

The strengths of software implementation partners

24. August 2023 3 minutes

Learn how a software implementation partner not only helps you select the right solution, but also optimizes costs and ensures quality at the same time – even during the operational phase. Your successful projects start here.

NL Titel Rollen im BPM 700 x 300 px

The different players in business process management

14. August 2023 3 minutes

Find out who is involved in efficient business processes besides process managers and IT professionals, and how they work together to ensure flawless processes.

Privacy Compliance 700 x 300 px

Effective recommendations for action to increase privacy compliance

10. August 2023 2 minutes

The protection of personal data is becoming increasingly important in the digital world. With the new Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP) coming into force on September 1, companies are faced with the task of adapting to the new regulations to avoid fines. In this article, we present practical recommendations for action to improve your privacy compliance.

Datenschutz 700 x 300 px

Improving privacy compliance through optimized process flows

27. July 2023 2 minutes

Today, with data privacy and security playing an increasingly important role, it is crucial for companies to ensure privacy compliance. Here you can learn how processes can help to improve this sustainably.

Keywords 700 x 300 px

Boost your content efficiency with a clever keyword concept

24. July 2023 2 minutes

Discover the importance of a well-thought-out keyword concept and how it optimizes your digital content management.

Prozessorchestrierung 700 x 300 px

Save costs and increase efficiency through process orchestration

14. July 2023 2 minutes

How can companies increase efficiency and cut costs in an uncertain economic environment?


Get better privacy compliance in a few steps

27. June 2023 2 minutes

Improve data protection compliance - Learn how to protect your data and comply with policies in just a few steps.

Sharedien Release 3 17

Sharedien Release 3.17

23. June 2023 1 minute

The cloud-native DAM solution Sharedien has made another significant advance with Release 3.17. Here are the most important facts in a nutshell.

DAM Dynamic Asset Transformation 700 x 300 px

Dynamic Asset Transformation (DAT) by Bynder

20. June 2023 2 minutes

Use Dynamic Asset Transformation (DAT) to automatically create the image variants you need for different channels and application purposes in real time – just by passing additional parameters to the URL.

Eular congress 2023

Live recordings at EULAR congress 2023

12. June 2023 2 minutes

Successful live upload and delivery of congress videos at the EULAR 2023 congress in Milan.

Plu Sport

A small plus with a big impact

09. June 2023 1 minute

Why we are excited about the non-profit organization PluSport and how a small plus can have a big impact.

7 Schritte zur Prozessautomatisierung

7 steps to successful process automation

02. June 2023 2 minutes

Process automation aims to execute business processes automatically in order to achieve an increase in efficiency, productivity and quality. We've put together a guide for you that includes seven essential steps for successful process automation.

FIXIT Gruppe

New customer: Welcome FIXIT

22. May 2023 2 minutes

We are pleased to welcome the FIXIT GROUP as another Sharedien customer in the brix family. Searching for a new digital asset management solution that can optimally handle a variety of products, the cloud-native approach of Sharedien convinced them at the right time. We are excited to implement the project as DAM implementation partner together with FIXIT GROUP.

Screenshot 2023 05 19 at 15 02 10

Template generator for Camunda Connectors

19. May 2023 1 minute

Our template generator for Camunda Connectors is now available as an open source solution. It makes it easier for Java programmers to develop and maintain connectors with Camunda 8.

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Camunda Community Summit 2023 Recap

16. May 2023 2 minutes

Our BPM team once again took part in the Camunda Community Summit in Berlin. We have summarized the most exciting highlights for you.


Web-to-Print vs. Web-to-Publish

11. May 2023 2 minutes

In this W2P blog, we look at the differences between Web-to-Print and Web-to-Publish.

Newsletter Titel BPM

6 reasons in favor of a process automation strategy

04. May 2023 2 minutes

A process automation strategy helps to effectively realize benefits and goals related to automating your business processes. Learn why a process automation strategy can be critical to your business in our blog post.

IMG 1442

Marketing Day 23 Recap

24. April 2023 1 minute

The Marketing Day is the most renowned event for marketing professionals in Switzerland. We visited the event together with our partner Sharedien and summarized the highlights for you.


How process automation can make a difference in your business

21. April 2023 2 minutes

There are numerous benefits that process automation can bring to your business. It simplifies the work process, optimizes costs, and makes results more reliable and satisfying. This article will show you the positive effects of process automation on your company.

E Pics

ETH decides to implement Sharedien with brix

30. March 2023 2 minutes

ETH Zurich relies on a strong power duo from Switzerland – Sharedien and brix – to create a unique digital experience for visitors to the ETH Library E-Pics.

Datenschutz 700 x 300 px

What steps should you take to comply with the new privacy regulations?

23. March 2023 1 minute

What steps should your organization take to comply with the new data protection requirements?

Compare Document

CELUM Release 23.1

23. March 2023 1 minute

The new CELUM Release 23.1 is here! Convince yourself of the new features and improvements.

Whats App Image 2023 02 24 at 07 14 45

RECAP – E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2023

09. March 2023 1 minute

A brief review of this year's E-Commerce Berlin Expo.

Screenshot 2023 02 10 at 12 57 51

CI HUB Connector for SharePoint.

10. February 2023 1 minute

CI HUB Connector for SharePoint is a useful plugin that will help you save time and effort when using your digital content. In this article you will learn more about the SharePoint Connector features and benefits.

Akeneo Scheme Complete PXM Solution

How far along are you in terms of your product management?

26. January 2023 1 minute

Akeneo's PXM Maturity Assessment helps you to identify your strengths and possible optimization potential for your product information management fast and easy.

Screenshot 2023 01 13 at 17 06 51

brix:anura API – flexible use, for all scenarios

13. January 2023 2 minutes

brix:anura is the ideal API for anyone who wants to extend or revise their web applications quickly and easily. Learn how the brix:anura API is used by our customers.

Computer g12859a8e0 1280

Why business process management is becoming increasingly important

28. November 2022 3 minutes

Are you looking for a way to effectively manage business processes? Then business process management (BPM) is just the thing for you! In this article, you will learn more about the importance of business process management and its benefits. We will also introduce you to two helpful BPM tools.

Shopping gcd9ea2341 1280

Different sub-areas of Business Process Management (BPM)

25. November 2022 3 minutes

Business Process Management (BPM) is an important tool for making the entire process lifecycle of a company effective, productive and transparent. But what exactly is BPM and which sub-areas exist?

Celum smintio v4

Why the investment in a brand portal is worthwhile

23. November 2022 2 minutes

Brand portals are an effective way to improve customer experiences and strengthen customer loyalty. Learn what brand portals are and what benefits they offer in this article.


novoinsight 2022 Recap – TIME TO RE:CONNECT

21. November 2022 5 minutes

On November 17, 2022, the time had come: After an interruption of two years, the novoinsight customer and partner event took place LIVE again. We were there when the novomind community met in Hamburg to pick up the latest insights from novomind. Find out what impressions and insights we gained from the event in our review.

Sharedien Screenshot

Sharedien impresses with a brand new user interface and many useful features

17. November 2022 2 minutes

Sharedien impresses with a brand new user interface and more useful features for a successful content orchestration. Learn more about the new feature updates of the latest Sharedien release.

CELUM smintio 1

Consistent brand presence with Smint.io portals

07. November 2022 2 minutes

Create trust with a consistent brand presence, change the perception of your brand sustainably for the better and ensure that your core messages are received and anchored by your customers.

1200px Bynder Logo Blue

Press release: DAM partnership with Bynder

27. October 2022 2 minutes

The Digital Asset Management specialists from Basel/Switzerland are very pleased to announce their DAM partnership with Bynder

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CamundaCon 2022 Recap

14. October 2022 1 minute

We look back on exciting days at CamundaCon 2022 in Berlin

Screenshot 2022 10 14 at 16 07 43

Transgourmet chooses DAMlivery – product images in various sizes for any channel at any time

06. October 2022 2 minutes

With DAMlivery, Transgourmet Switzerland provides up-to-date product images in various sizes for the web shop and the app at any time.

Akeneo Scheme Akeneopim DE 1
Article based search anura multi value search

Article based search for brix:anura

23. September 2022 1 minute

Find product assets faster using the article-based search in brix:anura.

Scott Ambassador Launch 09 2022 Daniel Geiger 1087

SCOTTs Athletes App

22. September 2022 2 minutes

At the SCOTT Global Ambassador Summit, held in beautiful Aosta, Italy, Scott introduced the new «SCOTTs Athletes App» to legends from five top disciplines. Find out the intention behind the app and how brix contributes significantly to the brand experience with the «Upload Request» and brix:anura.

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People, processes and data in beautiful Vienna

15. September 2022 3 minutes

September 8 and 9, 2022, the BOC's big strategic partner meeting took place in the beautiful city of Vienna. The meeting has become a hotspot for Business Process Management and has brought together BPM stakeholders from all over the world.

Partnerlogos transparent web DAM United

DAM United and brix combine long-standing expertise for DAM and PIM in D + CH

15. September 2022 2 minutes

Press release 15.09.2022: DAM United and brix bring together long-standing expertise for DAM and PIM in D + CH


Tailored Imports for Akeneo PIM

18. August 2022 1 minute

With the new «Tailored Imports» feature, you effortlessly import the data into Akeneo PIM as it comes.

Dms vs dam

DAM vs. DMS – two solutions for more consistency and productivity

11. August 2022 3 minutes

What are the key differences between a Document Management System (DMS) and a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system?

Organigramm Juli 2022

New structures at brix

28. July 2022 1 minute

With new structures, we stay ahead of the curve and continue to meet the challenges of our customers.

Media assets

What are digital assets, anyway?

22. July 2022 0 minutes

What are digital assets, what are they used for, and why do they play a key role in marketing?

Product Information System

Are you thinking about introducing a PIM system?

21. July 2022 3 minutes

We explain which points you should consider during the implementation so that the project does not fail and why a preliminary project makes sense.


7 steps to a successful process documentation

15. July 2022 2 minutes

We have compiled the most important tips for describing your process here.

Business Process documentation

More transparency with a proper process documentation

14. July 2022 2 minutes

Why is process documentation essential in a company?

CMA Auto Konfiguration

CMA Auto-Configuration for brix Extensions

28. June 2022 1 minute

Configure our CELUM Extensions and Connectors in the Configuration Management Application (CMA) GUI.

Brix product logo cmyk 370x236px brix corvus

New comment function for brix:corvus

27. June 2022 1 minute

Collaborate more productively and get a better overview – with the new comment function in the brix:corvus editorial system.

Akeneo ico akeneopim 1

Top ratings for Akeneo

24. June 2022 1 minute

In SoftwareReviews' PIM Data Quadrant Report, Akeneo PIM was awarded top ratings.

Celum Contenthub 2

Prepare and manage a DAM migration

23. June 2022 3 minutes

Are you about to embark on a DAM migration or are you planning one? We have best practices for you on how best to proceed.

Camunda 2

No more outdated and bloated processes!

17. June 2022 1 minute

The phrase «We've always done it this way» often stonewalls processes that have long been outdated.
Through targeted process optimization with a suitable BPM tool, you reduce processing time and improve the quality of results. This will give you a big head start!

Partnerlogos transparent web sharedien

Press release: Swiss DAM expertise strengthened with Sharedien as partner

25. May 2022 2 minutes

brix IT Solutions expands its Digital Asset Management portfolio with a partner in Switzerland. Welcome Sharedien to the brix Partner Community.

Kataloge 2

Review Xactuell Webinar 12.05.2022

20. May 2022 1 minute

On 12.05.2022, the Codeware webinar on «New features in Xactuell» took place. We have summarized the highlights for you in a short and crisp way.

Camunda EE vs CE

Differences Camunda CE and EE

18. May 2022 2 minutes

What are actually the differences between Camunda in Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE) regarding features and services?

Blog CELUM3 D EN 1024x538

New release: CELUM Content 22.4

16. May 2022 1 minute

In the latest CELUM Content Version 22.4, you can expect many great innovations.

Akeneo Nantes

New features with Akeneo 6

10. May 2022 2 minutes

What improvements and new features does Akeneo bring? And how can you benefit? We will keep you up to date.

Ci hub celum

Review: CI HUB & CELUM Webinar 26.04.2022

03. May 2022 1 minute

On 26.04.2022, there was an exciting webinar from our partners CI HUB and CELUM. You missed it?

No problem! We have a few appetizers and the link to the recording for you.

Camunda 8

Camunda 8 comes

27. April 2022 2 minutes

Camunda releases version 8, completely revised, redesigned and equipped with many new BPM features.

Which innovations and advantages does Camunda 8 bring? What do you have to consider when switching?

We have the answers for you.


Fresh hosting offer

25. April 2022 1 minute

We have made our hosting offer even more attractive for you.

ADONIS Suite 6

The best reasons and tips for ADONIS BPMS

20. April 2022 2 minutes

How does ADONIS BPMS help me for my business processes? And how do I get the most out of the tool?


CELUM DAM at Switzerland Tourism

29. March 2022 7 minutes

Increased efficiency and quality assurance through a dedicated DAM system as a central data hub and source at Switzerland Tourism.

Akeneo ico consitent product experience

The 5 biggest advantages of Akeneo PIM

21. March 2022 4 minutes

brix brings transparency and overview to the large selection of PIM systems. What can Akeneo PIM do and why do we trust in the agile open source PIM from France? Here are the five biggest advantages of Akeneo PIM.

Flowboard Struktur

CELUM FlowBoard Workflows for ContentHub

14. March 2022 1 minute

With CELUM FlowBoards you improve the collaboration of your teams, accelerate approval processes and thus increase your productivity.

Novomind dashboard screen

Unbeatable arguments for novomind iPIM

24. February 2022 2 minutes

It's not always easy to find the right PIM system among the many that are available. In this article, we have highlighted the advantages of novomind iPIM for you and explained them in more detail.

CELUM Nova Handhabung

CELUM ContentHub 22.1

24. February 2022 1 minute

We have compiled the highlights of the new CELUM ContentHub release 22.1 (version 6.12) – in terms of CELUM Nova UI, WorkRooms and technical enhancements – for you. This is a so-called ESR (Extended Support Release).

Automatisiertes Publishing

Automated publishing with CI HUB and InDesign

24. February 2022 2 minutes

Need to create brochures, advertisements and flyers with the same basic layout but different content in Adobe InDesign in no time? Take a look at CI HUB, for easy and fast database publishing – it's worth it.

Anura asset relation gallery view

New Anura feature: Related Assets

27. January 2022 1 minute

Display your asset relations in brix:anura, e.g. in the detail view.

CI HUB Connectors Figma Sketch

CI HUB Figma & Sketch Connectors

27. January 2022 1 minute

Impressive new connectors for Figma and Sketch from CI HUB

Automate any process banner3

Top 5 reasons for using Camunda

27. January 2022 2 minutes

Why does my company need the Camunda platform? Here you can find the top 5 reasons.

Adobe Stock 234707797

Why do companies need a PIM system?

27. January 2022 1 minute

What is the «raison d'être» of a PIM system in a company, and what added value does it bring?

briXmas 2021

Merry briXmas 2021

24. December 2021 1 minute
Haecky web catalog

Haecky catalogs – simply up-to-date

01. December 2021 1 minute

With this article, we would like to introduce you to our customer Haecky Fine Food and its use case «catalog production».

BPM Prozesskosten

Reduce process costs with BPM

26. November 2021 3 minutes

How can a reduction in process costs – as an elementary issue in business relationships – be achieved by optimizing processes?


Future Day 2021

11. November 2021 1 minute
Brix papilio logo

Cost-effective individual publishing

01. November 2021 1 minute

Publish standardized communication materials such as factsheets, ads or business cards with the web-to-publish solution brix:papilio.


Passion that inspires

25. October 2021 1 minute

The passion, the team spirit and the great commitment of the athletes and the entire team of Special Olympics Switzerland impress and inspire us. We are very happy to support Special Olympics Switzerland in 2021 again with full conviction.

Camunda update 2

Update: Camunda Platform 7.16

21. October 2021 2 minutes

Find out here which innovations and improvements the Camunda Platform Update to version 7.16 brings to the BPM world.

PIM DAM novomind Connect

novomind Connect: CELUM ContentHub and novomind iPIM in sync

20. October 2021 2 minutes

Maintain, synchronize and use valuable product content with the help of CELUM ContentHub, novomind iPIM and novomind Connect.

PIM DAM Transa

Practical advantages of a PIM-DAM combination

19. October 2021 1 minute

How Transa Backpacking is using a strong combination of PIM and DAM, improving product experience and data quality, and what experience they are getting from the PIM project.

CELUMIUM Summer Edition

CELUMIUM 2021 – Summer Edition

24. September 2021 2 minutes

Review of the CELUMIUM Summer Edition from 1st to 3rd September 2021 in Linz.

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BOC SWISS Impact Day 2021

21. September 2021 1 minute

Review of the event SWISS Impact Day 2021 of our partner BOC.

PIM Prozessoptimierung

A PIM system for process optimization

17. September 2021 3 minutes

Why a PIM system should be part of the process optimization in your own company. And how you can also benefit from it.

PIM Einsatz Uebersicht

Press release: Lots of hidden potential for product information in companies

16. September 2021 2 minutes

A lot of dormant potential for product information in companies.

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PIM Study 2021 – Request results

01. September 2021 1 minute

Request results of the PIM Study 2021 of the ZHAW.

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PIM Study 2021 – First Insights

26. August 2021 2 minutes

First insights from the ZHAW PIM Study 2021.


brix News July 2021

29. July 2021 0 minutes

We used the wet and cold weeks to make the first extensions as well as our CELUM trainings NOVA-ready. Also learn more about the use of brix:anura as an asset picker and about the AI-based extensions available in our portfolio.

Read the July 2021 News
Brix news juni 2021

brix News June 2021

24. June 2021 0 minutes

Whether manufacturer and customer, theory and practice, or DAM and PIM - a solid connection is always needed for harmonious interaction.

Read the June 2021 News
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novomind IPIM

27. May 2021 2 minutes

Improve the product and customer experience (PX/CX) of your customers with novomind iPIM and boost conversion rates and sales volumes as a result.

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Migration project Transgourmet Prodega

27. May 2021 4 minutes

From CELUM 4 without detours to CELUM 6 despite complex system landscape

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CELUMIUM 2021 – Spring Edition

17. May 2021 2 minutes

Under the slogan «Make. Content. Work.», the CELUMIUM Spring Edition took place on May 12, 2021. Particularly exciting was the announcement of a new partnership.

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PIM-Study 2021

07. May 2021 2 minutes

What is the benefit and use of PIM systems in Switzerland?

The current PIM Study 2021, which was launched together with our partner novomind and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), deals with such questions.

Business News April 2021

brix News April 2021

29. April 2021 0 minutes

The April newsletter is all about the successfully completed Clariant Brand Portal project. In addition, we cover the most important Akeneo updates, which were revealed at the virtual Akeneo event «Unlock 2021».

And last but not least we are happy to announce Philipp Böhner as our new Sales Manager.

Read the April 2021 News
Akeneo ico expand product offering

The new Akeneo PIM Growth Edition

27. April 2021 2 minutes

Start your PXM journey as a mid-sized company with the Akeneo PIM Growth Edition in the SaaS model and benefit from the core functionalities of the Enterprise Edition including hosting and support.

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brix News March 2021

25. March 2021 0 minutes

Ready for spring! With another partnership announcement, we have summarized the most important facts about Akeneo PIM, brix:papilio and the CELUM Connectors and Extensions for you.

Read the March 2021 News
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brix News Februar 2021

25. February 2021 0 minutes

More individuality and topicality in publishing projects doesn't have to be expensive! With Xactuell from our partner Codeware and our own development brix:papilio, we ensure a fast ROI in your dynamic database publishing and web-to-print projects.

Read the February 2021 News
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Press release: New strategic partnership with novomind for integral PIM solutions

28. January 2021 3 minutes

brix IT Solutions and novomind from Germany enter a strategic partnership

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brix News Januar 2021

28. January 2021 0 minutes

In the first brix News issue of 2021 we will inform you about our new PIM partner novomind, introduce you to our CEO and provide you with some news regarding various CELUM extensions.

Read the January 2021 News
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brix News December 2020

18. December 2020 0 minutes

With the title "2020 - more than Lockdown" we say goodbye to the year 2020 and would like to thank our customers for their trust, our partners for their loyalty and our employees for their flexibility.

Read the December 2020 News
Brix news bild november 2020

brix News November 2020

26. November 2020 0 minutes

Would you like to know what our CEO has to say about Best of Breed, which new software developments are available for you and which projects we have worked on? In the November issue of our newsletter you will find a summary of the most important information.

Read the November 2020 News
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open Think Tank – Digital Emerging Market Switzerland

19. November 2020 4 minutes

On November 04, 2020, we were invited to hold an «open Think Tank» webinar together with abc Campus and the IBAW (Institute for Professional Education and Training) on the topic «Switzerland as a digital emerging market». Learn more about it in our news article.

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7. CELUM Usergroup Meeting

16. November 2020 2 minutes

On 13 November 2020, the CELUM Usergroup Meeting was held for the seventh time in the form of a web conference. This platform promotes open exchange between CELUM, its customers and partners regarding the entire product range.

Read the article
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brix News October 2020

29. October 2020 0 minutes

In this newsletter you can read about the MS Azure extension AI, who the voice behind the support hotline is and what we have developed to make your work more efficient. Don't miss the opportunity to register for the next open think tank, the CELUM Usergroup Meeting or one of our online training courses.

Read the October 2020 News
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open Think Tank

06. October 2020 2 minutes

As a guest at the IBAW (Institute for Professional Training and Further Education) we held an «open Think Tank» webinar together with abc Campus on the 24th of September 2020, focusing on corporate resilience.

Business news sep20

Business News September 2020

25. September 2020 0 minutes

In this issue of our brix newsletter we introduce our newest employee and report on news from our CELUM Extension Store. Take a few minutes to get to know the innovations. We are sure you will find something interesting among them.

Read the Biz News September 2020
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brix:anura impresses with the new Lightbox

27. August 2020 1 minute

brix:anura impresses with the new Lightbox

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Technical News August 2020

27. August 2020 0 minutes

brix cross media service GmbH becomes brix IT Solutions GmbH!

Our 20-year company anniversary has caused us to question whether the name "brix cross media service GmbH" still represents the company in a contemporary way. More about the name change and product updates can be found in our newsletter.

Read the August 2020 Tech Newsletter
Business news juli

Business Newsletter July 2020

23. July 2020 0 minutes

In our latest brix Business News edition, we cover the new CELUM Connectors for Adobe CC and Microsoft Office from CI HUB, as well as Akeneo's informative global B2B Survey 2020 about Product Experience. We also have new CELUM Connectors and cool new features for brix:anura / CELUM ContentLand.

Read the newsletter
Clariant CELUM Dashboard

Clariant chooses CELUM ContentHub with brix as their implementation partner

06. July 2020 2 minutes

We are pleased to welcome Clariant as a new customer after an intensive evaluation phase.

More about the evaluation phase can be found in the news article.
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Webinar Recap – Digitization before, during and after the lockdown

26. June 2020 3 minutes

We wanted to know what challenges our customers had to face before, during and after the lockdown and what key learnings for the future resulted out of it.

Click here for the webinar summary
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Business Process Management with Camunda

18. June 2020 1 minute

Ever heard of BPM and Camunda? Let us briefly explain what it is all about.

Tech NL June2020 1

Technical News June 2020

18. June 2020 0 minutes

We are pleased to announce our newest business area Business Process Management (BPM). In addition, our developers have been working diligently on new extensions and interfaces that might be of interest to you.

Read the newsletter
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Business Process Management – the path to the digital future

04. June 2020 2 minutes

Gain a competitive advantage in the digital era with Business Process Management.

Read the Business Process Management press release
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Business Newsletter May 2020

26. May 2020 0 minutes

We are pleased to announce our newest area of expertise - Business Process Management (BPM). Learn more about the new version of Akeneo's Product Experience Management Platform and how Ricola provides all brand and communication content worldwide with the CELUM ContentHub.

Read the newsletter
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Akeneo 4 Update

22. May 2020 1 minute

The Product Experience Management platform convinces with new functionalities


Simple tools for agile collaboration in your teams

23. April 2020 2 minutes

Increase productivity in your teams – CELUM Workroom® and FlowBoard® for better collaboration

More about the webinar: CELUM Workrooms and FlowBoard
Tech NL April2020

Technical News April 2020

21. April 2020 0 minutes

We would like to share with you the latest technical developments that we worked on, even in times of Corona. Perhaps the one or another information about our products might prove to be helpful to you, especially during this time.

Read the newsletter
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SAS Visual 2020 Kopie

Customer Experience 2030

14. April 2020 1 minute

Together with SAS, the world's leading analytics provider, we had the pleasure of holding our webinar on April 8, 2020 on the topic of «Customer Experience 2030 - Bring Empathy to Your Customer Relationships».

Read webinar summary

What's new in CELUM 6.4

02. April 2020 1 minute

The new CELUM version 6.4 – For the simple and straightforward management of your assets

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Webinars instead of Meetups in April 2020

27. March 2020 0 minutes

We invite you to participate in our free webinars in April 2020. Gain new insights and use new options.

Read the newsletter
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We remain at your service!

19. March 2020 0 minutes

Our team will do everything in its power to continue to assist you at full brix power. For our part, we have moved our entire operation to the home office in order to protect ourselves and others.

Read more
Tech News

Technical News February 2020

20. February 2020 0 minutes

The brix «Technical News» provides a compact overview of all relevant developments around the products CELUM DAM, CELUM Extensions and Connectors, Akeneo PIM, brix:papilio and others.

Read the newsletter
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brix Breakfast Meetup February 2020 – Dynamic Database Publishing

14. February 2020 2 minutes

On February 12th, 2020, we had the opportunity to open the doors for a fourth time for our brix Breakfast Meetup at the brix Academy. The topic Dynamic Database Publishing was the focus of the event.

Read the post event review

Akeneo PIM Summit 2020 (APS)

10. February 2020 3 minutes

Let us present you the highlights of this year's Akeneo PIM Summit.

More about the Akeneo PIM Summit Highlights
Brix jubilaum 2020

With drive into the brix anniversary year 2020

21. January 2020 0 minutes

What was best in 2019?

Our customers! We would like to thank everybody for the very interesting and challenging projects and for the very pleasant collaboration. The year 2019 was a successful year for us in every aspect.

Read the newsletter
Photo by Thomas Park

brix continues to contribute to the development of disabled sports in Switzerland in 2020

15. January 2020 1 minute

With a donation for the benefit of PluSport we would like to make a small contribution to the support of physically impaired athletes.

More about this article
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brix Breakfast Meetup December 2019 — Manage your Workflow

17. December 2019 1 minute

Thanks to our guests, customers and speakers for the great brix Breakfast Meetup on December 10, 2019 regarding the topic «Manage your Workflow». Not only did we learn a lot about agile project management and had interesting discussions, Michael Sahlender from CELUM was also able to introduce us to the brand-new CELUM FlowBoard Workflows in his presentation as a guest speaker — pertinent to the topic.

Click here for the event summary
Photo by Andrea Maschio

Akeneo PIM Summit (APS) 2020

16. December 2019 1 minute

As Akeneo Bronze Partner we will be at the APS 2020 from 5 to 6 February.

Register today. We are looking forward to presenting CELUM DAM and the new version of celum-akeneo:connect at the CELUM booth.

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Ho Ho Ho...

12. December 2019 0 minutes

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your appreciation and cooperation as the year draws to a close.

Read the newsletter
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brix:corvus – the smart editorial system

28. November 2019 1 minute

The smart editorial system – create editorial content online in an uncomplicated way and publish it online

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We love Software Engineering

11. November 2019 0 minutes

Developing software that perfectly meets your needs and integrating it seamlessly into your system environment has been one of our main focuses for many years. Now you can find all of our software engineering services on our website.

Read the newsletter
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The new intuitive CELUM User Interface

29. October 2019 1 minute

The new NOVA UI is perfectly adapted to your needs.

Tech News

Technical News October 2019

29. October 2019 0 minutes

Find out more about the latest brix development "Smart Collection" in our "Technical News" issue of October 2019 and get a sneak preview of the new CELUM NOVA UI. On top of that, we will keep you informed about the latest updates to our CELUM Extensions and Connectors.

Read the newsletter
Photo by Brooke Lark

brix Breakfast Meetup October 2019 – PXM

21. October 2019 1 minute

The second Breakfast Meetup on October 17th 2019, together with our guests and our guest speaker Maël Roth, Marketing Manager Central & Eastern Europe at Akeneo, gave us the opportunity to highlight the most important aspects for the use of a PIM (Product Information Management System).

Click here for the Breakfast Meetup review
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CELUM Partner Day 2019

30. September 2019 1 minute

We will be presenting translation management with Microsoft Azure on the CELUM Partner Day 2019 and, together with Akeneo, the CELUM Akeneo Connector, which combines the two innovative solutions. In addition, brix is a sponsor of the CELUM Partner Day 2019.

More about our contribution to the CELUM Partner Day
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CELUM Workrooms® – Agile Teamwork Management

25. September 2019 1 minute

A powerful tool for teamwork!

Business news sep19

Exciting topics and events in the fall

05. September 2019 0 minutes

After our first brix Breakfast Meetup in August, more interesting brix events will follow in autumn. We want to discuss why a great customer experience - in a rapidly developing retail world - has become an essential need and how a PIM system can help you create it. In the Digital Asset Management section you can find out more about Agile Teamwork Management with CELUM Workrooms®. You will also receive an update on our own solutions such as brix:anura.

Read the newsletter
4 Celum Usergroup Save the date

4th CELUM Usergroup Meeting

04. September 2019 1 minute
Masonry View

brix:anura Update

29. August 2019 1 minute

New feature for brix:anura

Tech News

Technical News August 2019

29. August 2019 0 minutes

With our "Technical Information", you as a customer or partner will receive information about relevant developments around the products CELUM DAM, CELUM Extensions and Connectors, Akeneo PIM, brix:papilio and others in a compact format.

Read the newsletter
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New and improved CELUM Extensions & Connectors

28. August 2019 1 minute

A lot has happened since our news from March 2019. Several new and improved Extensions & Connectors, developed by our brix Software Engineering Team, are available to all customers and partners on our brix CELUM Extensions Store.

More about the Extension Updates in August 2019
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New features of brix:anura / CELUM ContentLand

15. August 2019 1 minute

The CELUM portal integration brix:anura offers new user-friendly features.

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CELUM Toolbox

28. July 2019 1 minute

With the CELUM Toolbox, you can easily import and export any assets for your CELUM installation, including metadata and more

Photo by Raphaël Biscaldi

No summer low at brix cross media

24. July 2019 0 minutes

Summer break — Nevertheless, we don't want to miss the chance to present our latest news in a summer newsletter — for all those who have stayed at home and for all those who are back from their vacation and are back in business again.

Read the Newsletter

The smart Swiss W2P solution – brix:papilio

19. July 2019 1 minute

Flexible design for print templates with brix:papilio.

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Why use PIM and why Akeneo PIM?

11. July 2019 1 minute

We explain how and where a PIM system like Akeneo can be optimally used.

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Simple catalogue production for Paul Ullrich AG

01. July 2019 1 minute

We are happy to announce Paul Ullrich AG as our latest customer in the area of Dynamic Database Publishing (DDP). The spirits and wine retailer Paul Ullrich AG owns six stores located in Basel, Bern and Zurich and is aiming to become the «Liquid Leader» of Switzerland.

More about the project implementation for Paul Ullrich AG
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Photo by Pineapple Supply Co.

brix:papilio 7.0 – New Release

13. June 2019 3 minutes

We are pleased that with brix:papilio 7.0 we were again able to produce numerous customer requests and optimizations of our W2P application.

At this point we present only an excerpt. All new functions and optimizations can be found in our brix:papilio 7.0 Release Notes.


More about the brix:papilio 7.0 release
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With brix cross media into the summer

03. June 2019 0 minutes

With our new newsletter format, we would like to inform you about our company, our solutions and our services. We hope you enjoy reading it and are looking forward to your feedback at any time.

Read the newsletter
Plug in

New and improved Plugins on our CELUM Extension Store Mar 2019

28. March 2019 1 minute

There are new and improved extensions available on our CELUM Extension Store due to our customer needs.

More about the CELUM Extension Updates in March 2019
Set focal point

New Extension «Focal Point Setter»

11. February 2019 1 minute

Set the focal point on images and save image details for further use.

More about the Extension Focal Point Setter
Photo by Matt Lee

Special Olympics Donator

23. January 2019 1 minute

We are socially engaged

Special Olympics is the world's largest sports movement for people with mental disabilities, with 4.7 million athletes in 169 countries.

More about the Special Olympics Foundation
Connector icons celum akeneo by brix

Product Information Management (PIM) with Akeneo

18. January 2019 1 minute

Following the best of breed approach, we offer an excellent Product Information Management (PIM) system including the matching connector. Akeneo PIM acts as the perfect complement to CELUM DAM.

Manage high-quality assets as well as the excellent product data centrally and create the perfect product experience for all channels.

More about Akeneo PIM
Photo by Headway

New CELUM Extension «Auto Translate»

10. October 2018 1 minute

More efficiency in setting metadata thanks to automatic translations.

More about the CELUM Extension Auto Translate
Logo Akeneo Connect

Coming soon: New PIM connector akeneo:connect

11. September 2018 1 minute

Just in time for the DMEXCO we present the pre-release of our newest connector. With akeneo:connect you synchronize product information from akeneo PIM and product assets (images, videos, documents) from CELUM DAM in order to provide third-party systems (e.g. e-commerce or publishing systems) a unified view on your products.

More about the Akeneo Connector
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Terrific Tuesday at Victorinox – MediaHub meets Swiss Army Knife

10. September 2018 2 minutes

For the sixth time after SBB, Lindt & Sprüngli, Transa, AlpTransit and Ricola, we were able to hold our popular Terrific Tuesday on 4 September 2018 at Victorinox, our customer of many years and world-famous pocket, household and professional knife manufacturer. 28 participants followed the call, which meant that this years event was practically fully booked.

Terrific Tuesday at Victorinox 2018 Banner

Read our review of the Terrific Tuesdays hosted by Victorinox
Photo by John Schnobrich

New and improved Plugins on our CELUM Extension Store Aug 2018

28. August 2018 2 minutes

Once again, there are four new extensions available on our CELUM Extension Store, as well as many improved extensions based on the needs of our customers.

More about the CELUM Extension Updates in August 2018

Exciting autumn for CELUM customers, partners and interested parties

22. August 2018 1 minute

In autumn 2018, exciting events for exchanging experiences and networking will take place.

More about our autumn events
Extension Icons Named Asset Validation

New CELUM Extension «Asset Validation»

10. August 2018 1 minute

Validate assets according to specific criteria and mark them with bullets and tooltips.

More about the CELUM Extension Asset Validation
Extension Icons Named Share Listing

New CELUM Extension «Share Listing»

09. July 2018 1 minute

Keep track of all PIN codes, Smart Views and Upload Requests!

More about the CELUM Extension Share Listing
Extension Icons Named Asset Order

New CELUM Extension «Asset Order»

06. July 2018 1 minute

For users that don't have permissions to download assets from CELUM DAM, we introduce our new extension «Asset Order» for ordering assets.

More about the CELUM Extension Asset Order
Logo Onedrive Connect

New CELUM Extension OneDrive Connect

31. May 2018 1 minute

If you need mobile access to optimized files from CELUM, we recommend our new backstage module OneDrive Connect.

More about the OneDrive Connector

brix cross media & CELUM at the Strategy Days Sales & Marketing in Zurich

09. May 2018 1 minute

The StrategyDays Sales & Marketing take place on June 5th and 6th in Zurich at Dolder Grand again.
Use this opportunity for a lounge-talk/discussion with brix cross media and CELUM and visit our «Best Practices for Efficiency in Marketing & Distribution» workshop.

More about the Sales & Marketing Strategy Days in Zurich
Faceted search 2

brix:anura – now with faceted search

08. May 2018 1 minute

Our CELUM portal integration brix:anura now also offers faceted search. The extended anura search component provides a user-friendly way to refine your selection criteria step-by-step and reset them with a single click.

More about the brix:anura faceted search

Dynamic Database Publishing (DDP) with dox42 for MS Office

22. February 2018 1 minute

In addition to Xactuell for the automation of the DTP publishing processes with Adobe InDesign and QuarkXpress, we now offer dox42 for the flexible, powerful and intuitive data integration and document automation for Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).

More about the partnership with dox42

brix cross media at the CELUMIUM 2017 in Frankfurt

16. November 2017 1 minute

The annual CELUM customer and partner event CELUMIUM took place this year in London on November 2nd and in Frankfurt on November 9th 2017. As one of the longest existing partners and sponsors, brix cross media attended the CELUMIUM in Frankfurt.

Review of CELUMIUM 2017
Photo by Edgar Chaparro

Duplicate cleansing made easy

31. October 2017 1 minute

Do you want to efficiently clean up the duplicates in your DAM system without losing metadata?

More about duplicate cleansing
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CELUM TYPO3 Connect now also available for TYPO3 CMS 8

27. October 2017 1 minute

Our standard plugin TYPO3 Connect is now also available for TYPO3 CMS 8.

More about the TYPO3 standard connector
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CELUM Magnolia Connect available as standard connector

17. October 2017 1 minute

Magnolia Connect is another standard plug-in developed by brix cross media for seamless CMS integration. This allows CELUM assets to be placed directly in Magnolia CMS components so that they are linked there and thus always up-to-date.

More about the Magnolia Connector
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Terrific Tuesday at Ricola – exclusive guided tour of the Herbal Centre

15. September 2017 2 minutes

After SBB, Lindt & Sprüngli, Transa and AlpTransit, we were able to continue our well-known and much appreciated Terrific Tuesday series this year with another well-known customer. The worldwide well-known candy manufacturer Ricola allowed us an exclusive visit of the Herbal Centre.

Terrific Tuesday review at Ricola
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Successful projects with CELUM DAM and brix:anura

11. September 2017 1 minute

What do the Canton of Basel-Stadt and Zurich Tourism have in common?

Read more about the brix:anura integrations
Photo by Samuel Zeller

CELUM Toolbox – Powerful Features for CELUM 5 as Cloud Services

10. August 2017 1 minute

Create, view and export listings of metadata, nodes, user information, permissions and much more.

View information at a glance and export with a single click.

More about the CELUM Toolbox
Photo by Jungwoo Hong

Revolutionary ways to upload assets

23. June 2017 1 minute

Users without a CELUM login can now also fill their DAM system using a definable upload request.

More about the upload widget
Photo by Adam Solomon

Open House Event 2017 of brix cross media & McHighEnd

31. January 2017 1 minute

Highly anticipated and highly enjoyable! We can happily look back on our extremely successful Open House Event 2017.
